Family offices step up to help with complex, private and worrisome health issues

Often working behind the scenes, they can coordinate health care at home or medical needs abroad.

By |2024-08-05T11:19:50-06:00August 5, 2024|articles, carolyn-quoted-in, family-office|0 Comments

What better expert in family offices than someone who custom-designs them?

Carolyn Cole’s experiences as trusted advisor, parent and service provider make her a go-to consultant in the industry.

By |2024-08-05T11:56:37-06:00August 2, 2024|articles, carolyn-quoted-in, family-office|0 Comments

Business transitions: Thoughts on replacing the irreplaceable executive

Even when a transition is unhurried, new bosses at family businesses tend to fail. How to make them thrive instead.

By |2024-08-05T11:31:27-06:00August 1, 2024|articles, carolyn-quoted-in, family-office|0 Comments
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