“Privacy as a Currency” Webinar featuring Carolyn Cole and Anwar Visram

Carolyn Cole has collaborated with Donald and Brian of 1832 Investment Council to present a six-part webinar series on various Family Office topics. Each webinar features a hand-selected panel of family office professionals, family members, and leaders to provide perspective, knowledge, and insight.

By |2024-05-06T14:25:24-06:00October 19, 2023|family-office, webinars|0 Comments

Dear Mom & Dad: Speaking of Entitlement…

One of the most commonly used and effective tax strategies in Canada is the use of a family trust for multiplying the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption (LCGE). This strategy enables family members, usually parents or grandparents, to multiply the capital gains exemption with children or other family members in order to reduce the overall tax liability.

By |2023-09-07T11:42:02-06:00September 7, 2023|articles, family-office|0 Comments

1832 Family Office Webinar Series

Carolyn Cole has collaborated with Donald and Brian of 1832 Investment Council to present a six-part webinar series on various Family Office topics. Each webinar features a hand-selected panel of family office professionals, family members, and leaders to provide perspective, knowledge, and insight.

By |2024-05-06T14:00:59-06:00September 1, 2023|family-office, webinars|0 Comments

They thought they were set for life: How a fortune was frittered away

It takes courage for advisors to tell affluent clients they’re living beyond their means. How a Canadian tech entrepreneur went from boom to almost bust in just a few years.

By |2024-05-06T14:22:11-06:00August 3, 2023|articles, family-office|0 Comments

Judging kids of wealthy families causes damage that can last a lifetime

Passing judgment, subtly or not, shapes children’s views of themselves and the world around them. Youngsters will be exposed to some sort of wealth judgment at an early age, with or without their parents present.

By |2024-05-06T14:19:18-06:00June 22, 2023|articles, family-office|0 Comments

Family guardians keep wolves at bay – unless they’re already inside the fence

The case of Marie, who needed a gatekeeper to protect against the brother she couldn’t say ‘no’ to. In family financial matters, gatekeepers can be essential within a family office structure.

By |2023-08-03T18:15:03-06:00June 15, 2023|articles, family-office|0 Comments
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